Tuesday, May 27, 2014

What about the weather?

This might seem random for many but I can see that, for starters, my blogs will be as random as they come.

That said, folks close to me know that I often say that mankind is messing with this planet's weather. But don't just take my word for it, think of your hometown, any freaky weather phenomenon within the last five years? I'll bet while reading this you'll say, yeah - now that you've mentioned it - there's that time ...

The internet has made it so easy to find supporting evidence - thank goodness for technology. As you might expect, there are tons of websites on this topic but I'll refer you to a few that have really caught my attention. Take a look at NASA's evidence supporting climate change and NOAA's - Sea of change, you'll surely be amazed! I thought NRDC on Global Warming was extremely helpful and even suggested possible solutions to the planet's global warming concerns. Even though their 'Extreme Weather Map 2012' depicts the United States only, the figures are startling.  Finally, I really love how the Union of Concerned Scientists outline their summations. The headings read that "global warming is happening now" and "the scientific evidence is clear" that "we are the cause."  Since we have choices, together we can act now to tackle global warming (http://www.ucsusa.org/global_warming/).

Now I know there are skeptics out there who would question everything under the sun, like Skeptical Science for example, but I accept my reality and my experiences. What about you? If someone, anyone can explain, beyond doubt, why there is a marked increase in freaky weather events all over the globe, then they'll receive my undivided attention.  Until then, I'm convinced that mankind is messing with this planet's weather and we need to act now before it's too late.

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