Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Bring it on!

Awesome, it's done. Today I created my first blog - ever! Funny I don't feel as intimidated as I thought I would be.  Of course I accept that with all the wonderful people out there in cyber land, there may be just as many who might not play so nice.  But such is life.

Since I've learnt to accept the great moments with the not so good, I actually feel terribly excited about embarking upon this new (at least for me) and hopefully remarkable technological journey.  What lies ahead? Only God one knows but I am looking forward to it. So bring it on!


  1. Great job! Your blog looks "pro". And to think you were stressed and overwhelmed. Have you started looking for your communities as yet?

  2. Why thank you Yvette - you're so kind. Yes I'm still on the hunt for the right fit but it's a little tougher than I thought. Have you decided?
