Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Wow - again it appears that we, as a human race, are simply not paying enough attention to our inevitable demise and mostly of our own doing.  Mother earth and mother nature will wash this planet clean because mankind continues to interfere with its natural weather systems.

From my comments on this issue you should note that I am terribly concerned about our fate on this planet as time passes on.  But despite this, I'm also intrigued by the fact that we seem, as a human collective, unable to do anything at this point in time to actually change the trajectory of earth's eventual demise.  In essence, it appears as though we're already doomed particularly because of our lack of concern.  If you are paying attention, you should realize that the signs are unfortunately clearer and clearer and becoming more ominous over time.  So if we have any care in the world at all, we should be concerned.

Oh and by the way these are just a really small sampling of what's really going on with our planet.  

I found NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio from 1884 to 2017 profoundly telling and this is why I'm reiterating that despite what the non-believers and conspiracy theorists are saying, ALL of the evidence and ALL of the data can't ALL be wrong.  So that's why I'm saying that we should ALL be really concerned because this issue impacts ALL of us.

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